Fetlife: An Online Service Website, Subscription Fee & Features

People consider BSDM a wrong platform however, the spectrum of chances that it has to provide is very varied and wide, spreading the community’s reach to people who wish to experiment with different aspects of their boundaries. The earlier online availability of BSDM communities has allowed more people to discover and approach such practices. Facebook may not be a better platform for people to share your kinks with, when it comes to subcultures. This is the location where fetlife has found its market. In this article, we will present you a complete and essential information about significance and features of fetlife.

What is FetLife?

Fetlife, an online app is ‘’The Social network for the Kinky Community, Fetish & BSDM’’, as the website has defined itself. Moreover, it seems the platform is everything but niche, after with over 8 million users and more than 40 million videos and photos shared. It requires the entry of fetlife for new users to select a gender and create a free profile. Moreover, it includes picking a sexual orientation out of list, select the role, and counts 11 choices for every point which has potential to define them within the forum-from kinkster and dominant to brat and swinger.

Moreover, users can easily write their stories, post videos and images which contain all types of extreme fantasies. But few of these may be illegal within the ‘’outside’’ world. The BSDM community’s premise expresses your individual boundaries prior to every session and depends on consent. These all make it a safe zone where an individual can experiment and play. These are the well-known rules available on fetlife. However, it includes gruesome, (non-consensual) abuse and violence stories which are interlinked with the kink website.


Story of Yingying Zhang’s Murder

In 2017, the platform made headlines after abduction and murder of Yingying Zhang. However, he was a visiting Chinese scholar at the University of Illinois. Unmercifully, he was murdered by Brendt Christensen. Christensen visited one of fetlife’s platforms titled ‘Abduction 101’ before murdering Zhang as authorities have claimed. It was the beginning of fetlife’s tarnished reputation although, this was the only link between the website and crime.

The Wolf, Liam Gordon Murphy

Liam Gordon Murphy, a Fetlife nicknamed ‘’The Wolf’’ was accused. Because his published erotica stories had been successful. He published an article this year titled ‘’He Developed A Devoted BSDM Following Online. Then He Was Accused Of Rape’’. However, an accuser also famous as Adrienne, has shared her recent admiration in the HuffPost for the Wolf. It also portrayed that The Wolf had great influence as a Fetlife user. On Fetlife, people reveal fantasies which are sometimes illegal, taboo and subversive. All the stories of ‘’The Wolf’’ were wrong however, he said multiple times that they were true.

After contacting and meeting Adrienne who was new to the platform and having 23 years of age, avoided discussing safe words. However, he revealed before ‘’The Wolf’’ that what he was asked about, and what he replied, ‘’that’s kinda how I do things’’. Moreover, they had consensual sex in the 1st night she met him. They have done it multiple times on various occasions. Adrienne asked Murphy to stop that he did not however, it happened in June 2015 on one afternoon.

Adrienne did not disclose anything about what events took place until 2017. The wolf was again prisoned in a case of raping another lady in October 2016. He also faced accusation of rapping Adrienne in June 2017. In June 2018, all the allegations were dismissed because of absence of evidence supporting the victims’ arguments.

How did Fetlife answered?

Fetlife starting prohibiting and deleting each content promoting non-consensual acts, just after Murphy was charged. These con-consensual acts might be abductions or rape. Similarly, he removed all the proofs which could leave permanent markings like killing and deep cutting etc. Moreover, the forum has discarded non-consensual consent from the website. The administration of website had been also censoring some call-out pages which were asking users to share their abusive accounts inflicted by other Fetlife users.

Working of Fetlife

Fetlife needs new members to develop a profile and select a gender. Moreover, it has a role which defines them inside the platform and sexual orientation from the list. These include ranging from dominating and kinkster to brat and swinger. Users are allowed to publish stories, films and photographs including all sorts of extreme fantasies. However, the real world will absolutely prohibit some of them. The idea of BDSM is introduced on stating and permitting your particular limits ahead of every session. It also establishes a safe zone through which you can experiment and explore. These guidelines and instructions are clearly available on Fetlife.

How to Sign-up at Fetlife.com?

When you enters a Fetlife Review then a welcoming web page greets you. Then you will fill out your all required information. It contains your preferred site nickname, choose sex from the drop down menu. According to a report, there are almost 12 options available.

You choose a preferred fetish or kink. A drop down menu includes round 67 functions to select from. The leftover part demands you to give your birth date, password, a valid current email address and location. Moreover, fetlife wants you to publish a phone number for authentication of your registration. You will also get a verification code in return.

Fetlife claims that they do not use your phone number to contact you. The platform will always keep your personal information in privacy. They result in a considerably more authentic account base, while this enrollment barriers are inconvenient. Real people established a lot of profiles on Fetlife. Therefore, it is possible to improve your experience by deleting false jokesters and profiles from the website.

Fetlife Profile & Login

You will see a page asking for sign-in details once you visit the website of Fetlife. You will also witness display of your friend’s user activities after signing in. Moreover, you are also able to express yourself more in accordance with your interest or choice. Your character page must divide into 6 sections, each will allow you to disclose some private data. When you evaluate during the subscription is the 1st point encompasses all of the facts. You can add notice and modify this post at any moment whether you do not like what you are seeing. However, the next step contained a list of profiles through which you can focus on efforts. It has been substantial to make this content attractive to attract more users.

Is Fetlife Safe to Use?

Fetlife is a free website, you can post videos & pictures, view different profiles, quickly sign-up and make a profile. You can also keep an eye on the activities of your close friends via homepage. Moreover, you can see popular articles, discussion pages and movies for free. However, it will charge 8$ per month for advance postings to view. It is payable in two year (120$), one year (60$) and six months (30$). You will get a lifetime access if you pay a total of 240$.

You can submit payments through Credit card (Maestro, bankcard, V Spend and Visa), while in Canada, Paysafecard or Bitcoin. Similarly, you are also able to approach famous stores with swapping a present credit.

Is Fertlife Legal?

Thanks to fetish culture, kinksters are no longer alone. Moreover, it is a legit and legal platform which people use to play and explore with their kinks in friendly environment. Fertlife supports correct BSDM practice, limits, consent and safety as a member of community of like-minded people. Moreover, Fertlife is such an online platform which always does everything possible to safe its consumers. Most importantly, it does not share your private data to third parties, organizations and other websites.


Fertlife is an online service website through which you can get help from reviews of many other people. In addition to these, people are also curious to know either fertlife safe to use or not. It is a safe platform which does not disclose your personal information to any other organization, website and third party. Similarly, people also want to know whether they can use fertlife services for free. However, you can use this online app for free of cost but you will pay some money in few cases. We have discussed above that you will pay 8$ during subscription.


Engr Hamza is a passionate tech blogger and enthusiast with a background in engineering. With a focus on demystifying complex concepts, Hamza delivers practical information and expert advice on the latest tech trends. Stay updated with Engr Hamza on Technocost for insightful product reviews, guides, and tutorials, empowering readers to make informed decisions in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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