Sniffies: What is it? Use, Working & Origin

Snifiies is a gay hookup website which is looking for harkening back to the old days of cruising. Moreover, it provides users a free-forward interface which allows users to quickly locate the nearest dick or ass floating around in their neighborhoods on a live updated GSP map, also shreds use decency mandates of the app stores. This approach cuts out the tedious texting and common in several ways calls back to the experience of bathhouse and common on traditional apps. Most importantly, the bathhouse contains a five-mile radius of city blocks. In this article, we will present you a complete information about this plateform.

What is Sniffies?

The 1st time login experience is overwhelming and thrilling to find yourself immersed in a sea. However, it encourages users to explore what is around them and to get out of the house. It has been mapping out a chain of cruising hot spots from wooded enclaves and public restrooms to glory holes and porn theaters. UI leans into this ephemerality by constantly encounter histories and purging chats, while users are visible only when actively connected to the website. If someone has recently logged on to it, a Grindr hookup might be months in making. Therefore, you think right that they are serious regarding meeting up there and then, wherever that might be.

It struck me how much I appreciated the simple joy of seeing the real-life bodies of my neighbors. It became possible after the 1st stumbled in the midst of quarantine-induced thirst. It has been an ideal outlet to find no-strings attached in the age of working from home. These also include lunch break sexual experimentation or casual hookups etc.

How to Use Sniffies?

My 1st hookup over the website came few months ago while I was leaving the gym on Wednesday afternoon. I loaded up the map and started a conversation with an appealing torso halfway to my apartment, and feeling too worn out to bike home right away. Moreover, he has invited me in between work calls for several post-workout ‘’recovery’’.

Any information regarding sniffies is difficult to come by. The website has been exciting several forms or another since 2018. However, it seemed materialized in the past year especially since losing of the pandemic restrictions. To learn more, I have approached to the chief marketing officer of sniffies, Eli Martin. I wanted martin to disclose the funny name of app, its status in the zeitgeist and future of hooking up. Therefore, our conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity.

Origin of Sniffies

Eli Martin:

The name ‘’Sniffies’’ originally came from an earlier website which was established for trading underwear. Of course, I was so curious regarding its weird name. It has been obviously an amazing and unique name in every aspect. Similarly, we are working for a trademark agency and they say, ‘’the coolest thing about you guys is super easy to trademark due to your unique name’’. But now, ‘sniffies’ name, feeling of that cruising, what it represents is more sniffing out and what is around you. It is not compulsory for our users that they have to be into.

Smelling Into:

It is obviously people are using socks and underwear like me. However, it offered website a fun name and we enjoy the reality that everyone has his own interest on it. At the startup, it was begun in Seattle. We have been advertising original ways on Craigslist. It is something like kinky place but I do not know you were familiar with Seattle. A large number of gay guys are willing to explore new things and it could definitely be a cruising scene there. You have gotten tons of natural places to go and trees all around. Therefore, we found stickiness in the beginning.

Because guys would come back on the map and check it every day. We have not seen any app which is good to perceive. It is essential for the users to physically type on this website. After visiting the official page of website, you can save it in your cell phone and check it out regularly. I am just feeling the old days of cruising which provides permit to the people to explore in this real-life. Seeing people on the map is funnier as compared to a grid of guys.

Is Sniffies More Better Than Hookup or Other Dating Apps?

Grindr and other uses differentiate the Excellency between two websites or apps. Most important in all, Grindr really functions like Facebook. Therefore, we will suggest you to visit there and check everything you want. You can sell a car and find a boyfriend as well. Therefore, sniffies is a super specific website in terms of finding a good boyfriend. You must exploit your experiences by visiting the official website, sniffies. We as a dating app do not disguise ourselves because it is highly sex forward. Keep one thing in mid, it has been limited to who you perceive a freak. You do not need to download this app which is something you use and can hope on.

Furthermore, it has opened the doors for those who pretend to be able to experience something with another guy. Similarly, they may be on sexual spectrum and do not feel like they are committing to something and downloading app. We have negotiated with lot of people to check out their working at Grindr. It also portrays the mindset of those people who first download this app and delete it later. You are also able to download it on the next day due to their horny nature. However, they need to make a profile and get on the app. We have presented these suggestions for those people who are feeling something different like that.

Is it Possible to Get Oral Sex from another Guy Not Gay?

Before answering your query, I want you to understand the spectrum of sexuality along with its pros and cons. Similarly, I want everyone to do a little effort regarding it. You must think multiple times before having oral sex with another person whether he/she is male or female. Moreover, I do not want to bow down such concepts which can dismantle your enjoyment. But it would be a disservice to the guys and you as well. Just enjoy and sit back.

Is it our main goal to capture the old school experience of cruising?

It is a key inspiration for those who had done something or had balls to negotiate someone in a situation when you observe something cruising in that particular guy. You are not able to do something with him even he is 5 feet away from you. Therefore, we introduced several apps and wanted people to meet each other. However, they were feeling hesitation in this regard. You can see someone, hold a meeting and specify a place by using our website. Sometimes, you feel like these people are present around, when you visit a park or select other public places.

Moreover, people do not want to swap a lot of conversation and pics. There are plenty of times when I talked to these guys for months but never met up with them. This is something that can happen on this wensite. Consequently, if you stop meeting up with them instantly then it will never happen again.

Benefits of Sniffies

Our website has created a way where guys enjoy asking queries to someone. They will immediately receive answer of your specific questions. We have experimented a new way during pandemic through which people can spend their spare time without getting scared. It represents a summer of reconnecting with masses, I would like to say. However, boyfriend is not something only we want to get off. These are the guys that just want to get off and go out.


Sniffies is an online website through gay guys can find their partners without facing any difficulty. In addition to these, it contain a lot of famous love stories which are disclosed publicly. If you want to read something about gays then explore the website and get everything you want. On the contrary, people can locate a place and beautiful park in accordance with their choices. The platform started offering its services in Seattle, United States of America for the 1st time. Therefore, we will recommend you to visit this platform at least once it your life.


Engr Hamza is a passionate tech blogger and enthusiast with a background in engineering. With a focus on demystifying complex concepts, Hamza delivers practical information and expert advice on the latest tech trends. Stay updated with Engr Hamza on Technocost for insightful product reviews, guides, and tutorials, empowering readers to make informed decisions in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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