How to install softwares without admin rights? Detail Guide

How to install softwares without admin rights? It’s possible to disable UAC by enabling the administrative account settings using a virtual machine. Moreover, you can create a batch file, modify a SAM file, and use a website to install software. However, some software installations can also require admin rights.

This article will explain each installation method with step-by-step guidance. By reading this, you will be able to download any software without admin rights.

 How to install softwares without admin rights

How To Install Softwares Without Admin Rights

For that purpose, you will find a token that will enable Windows to perform the administrative access. However, this is a temporary token that can be useful to install in order to provide admin rights. First of all, you will need the administrator account to process this administrative account token. Thus, you can easily search for and install software without UAC interference.

No. Solutions
1 Installation from the Windows Store
2 Enable administrative account settings
3 Create a batch file and install
4 Disable UAC
5 Try to use sandbox mode
6 Modify the SAM file
7 Download from a website
8 Use a virtual machine
9 Use a portable version

Things To Keep In Mind Before Installation Without Admin Rights

How to install softwares without admin rights? It’s quite easy.

When you are looking for ways to install any application without admin rights, you have to follow some instructions.

  • First of all, keep in mind that first of all, you have to see which software you are looking to install.
  • Create a batch file, and you can easily download software without admin rights.
  • However, you can also install different kinds of software through the Microsoft Store.
  • Still, you will not be able to download all the programs.
  • Some programs basically require admin rights in order to install software.
  • You can choose any way that is simple and easier to follow.
  • Sometimes, due to security reasons, you are still unable to install some software.

1. Installation From The Windows Store

This is basically a Microsoft store. You can find a complete library of applications that you can easily install. However, without any kind of administrative assistance, they will work out. Additionally, all of these applications are installed using the Microsoft certification. That’s why you can safely choose to install it.

 How to install softwares without admin rights

2. How Do I Enable Administrative Accounts?

All of the operating systems are working with the admin account. Through this access, a person can have complete control over the system. With the help of an administrative account, you can freely enjoy this installation.

Steps To Activate

How to install softwares without admin rights? You just have to follow some simple steps in that case.

  1. First of all, you have to press the window key with R.
  2. Now press the CMD, Ctrl+Shift+enter keys onwards.
  3. It will open the settings with all of the privileges.

Steps To Activate

Image source;

  1. Right now, you have to command the active settings with “yes”.

Steps To Disable An Account

  • In order to disable it, you have to follow the process of activation.
  • However, instead of the yes command, you now have to choose the feature of no.

Using Windows Powershell

Moreover, you can do the same by enabling and disabling the feature using the Windows power shell.

For that purpose, you have to proceed with

  • Enable-localuser-Name “Administrator”.
  • Disable-localuser-name “Administrator”.

3. How Do I Create A Batch File?

How to install softwares without admin rights? Creating batch files is also an option for installing software. This can also be a good time to install any software. With the help of a batch file, you can choose to bypass the installation permission. With its help, you can easily download the software.

  • First of all, you have to create a new file folder and copy the software installation file within it. However, the file is saved as “.exe.
  • Afterwards, open this file and enter the new text file here.
  • Now open the file and give a command to Notepad.
  • set _COMPAT_LAYER=RunAsInvoker, Start <Software_name>

How Do I Create A Batch File?

  • Now, in place of the software name, you have to enter the exact software name.
  • Afterwards, save this file using BypassUAC.bat and make sure that you save all files here.
  • Now, when you open this file, you will not see any UAC prompts.

How Do I Create A Batch File?

4. How To Disable UAC

It actually notifies a person when they choose to install the system. However, you can choose and add the settings for UAC.

  • For that purpose, first of all, you have to enter the window key + R and control.

How To Disable UAC

  • Now open the features of system and security.
  • Afterwards, go to the user account control settings.
  • Now choose the feature “never notify.

How To Disable UAC

  • Afterwards, save these changes.

5. Use Of Sandbox Mode

How to install softwares without admin rights? Use a sandbox and install software. Basically, it’s a Sand Mode desktop feature that allows you to run different kinds of software. In this feature, you don’t have to provide the sand box details.

  • First of all, press the Windows key+R and control.
  • Now turn the Windows feature on.
  • Now search for the Windows sandbox.
  • Afterwards, click on “Start” and then go for the sandbox and open it.

Use Of Sandbox Mode

  • Additionally, you have to copy this file into the Windows sandbox.
  • Now open the file and install any software, and you will not get any kind of UAC prompt.

6. Modify The SAM File And Install Software.

The window features all of the username and password records. However, users can also choose to modify this file.

  • Additionally, you require a bootable Linux USB.
  • Change your BIOS privacy to a priority feature.
  • Now you have to choose the Linux environment.
  • Afterwards, change the location of File Explorer to the computer.
  • Now move to the directory of black space and try to enter the open in terminal option. It will be helpful to obtain the window user list.

Modify The SAM File And Install Software

  • Afterward, choose the Sam run command.
  • When you type 1, it will remove all the passwords. For exiting it, you have to enter q, and for saving the changes, press the y key.
  • Now boot into Windows and restart your computer.

Modify The SAM File And Install Software

  • After that, the set password will be deleted. Moreover, now you can join and install different software.

7. Download From A Website

Some of the websites also offer to download software. That’s why it’s a good idea to get this software. You just have to go to the specific website and find the relevant software. Although all of the software is not available online, Still, you can choose and avail yourself of this downloading. Moreover, the downside is that it is actually more complicated in its settings. However, it will not be possible to download all of the software.

8. Use A Virtual Machine.

How to install softwares without admin rights? It becomes easier with the use of virtual machines.

You can also choose a virtual machine through which you can install any software. It’s basically an environment on the computer that has a separate kind of operating system.

9. Use A Portable Version.

You can also choose portable software. It’s quite easy to download. For this purpose, you have to download it. Later on, you can choose and run these different programmes on your computer. It’s quite easy, as you don’t need to go through the download complications. Just use the portable suggestions, install them, and use them.


Q. Why Do Some Program Install Without Administrator Rights?

Some programs are actually safe and have program directories. That’s the reason it will be easy to download even without admin rights.

Q. Can I Install Visual Studio Without Admin Rights?

Actually, due to security and permission reasons, it will demand permission. So you can use it to download it from a website or through the batch file. Apply other methods without admin rights to install these programs.

Q. How Do I Unlock My Computer As An Administrator?

  1. First of all, you have to press Ctrl+alt+delete in order to unlock it.
  2. Now type the last login information and choose the option “OK”.
  3. Once the dialogue box of the computer is unblocked, try to press some keys.
  4. Afterwards, use Ctrl+Alt+delete.
  5. Now you can normally login here.


How to install softwares without admin rights? First of all, for that purpose, there are some ways that you can use to install it. You can create the batch file, download it from any website, disable UAC, and use a virtual machine to install it. Sometimes it becomes difficult to download the software, but it can be done using some tricks. Nowadays, you can search for different websites that actually give links to download the software. Additionally, you can also download it from the Windows Store.

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Engr Hamza is a passionate tech blogger and enthusiast with a background in engineering. With a focus on demystifying complex concepts, Hamza delivers practical information and expert advice on the latest tech trends. Stay updated with Engr Hamza on Technocost for insightful product reviews, guides, and tutorials, empowering readers to make informed decisions in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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